Andrew Iliadis
Andrew Iliadis is an assistant professor at Temple University in the Department of Media Studies and Production (within the Klein College of Media and Communication) and serves on the faculties of the Media and Communication Doctoral Program, Cultural Analytics Graduate Certificate Program, and Science Studies Network. His work focuses on the social implications of big data and algorithms with specific interests in semantic computing (things like metadata, web schemas, knowledge graphs, applied ontologies) and embodied computing (things like wearables, embeddables, ingestibles, implantables). He has work published in or forthcoming from Global Media and Communication, International Review of Information Ethics, Big Data & Society, Philosophy & Technology, Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society, The SAGE Encyclopedia of the Internet, Online Information Review, Communication Booknotes Quarterly, and the Canadian Journal of Communication, among others.
Iliadis A (2019) The tower of Babel problem: Making data make sense with the Basic Formal Ontology. Online Information Review TBA.
Iliadis A (2018) Cyberinfrastructure. In The SAGE Encyclopedia of the Internet. Barney Warf (ed). Los Angeles: Sage. pp. 140-143.
Iliadis A and Pedersen I (2018) The fabric of digital life: Uncovering sociotechnical tradeoffs in embodied computing through metadata. Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 16(3): 1-18.
Iliadis A (2018) Algorithms, ontology, and social progress. Global Media and Communication 14(2): 219-230.
Iliadis A and Russo F (2016) Critical data studies: An introduction. Big Data & Society 3(2): 1-7.
Iliadis A (2015) The right to nonparticipation for global digital citizenship. International Review of Information Ethics 23: 20-34.