Patrick C. K. Hung
Patrick C. K. Hung is a Professor and Director of International Programs at the Faculty of Business and Information Technology at Ontario Tech University, Canada. He is an Honorary International Chair Professor at the National Taipei University of Technology in Taiwan and an Honorable Guest Professor at Shizuoka University in Japan. He is currently working with the College of Technological Innovation at Zayed University on several smart city and cybersecurity research projects in the United Arab Emirates. He is also a Visiting Researcher at the University of São Paulo, Brazil. Patrick worked with Boeing Research and Technology at Seattle on aviation services-related research with two U.S. patents on mobile network dynamic workflow systems. Before that, he was a Research Scientist with the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization in Australia. He also worked in the software industry in Toronto. He is a founding member of the IEEE Technical Committee on Services Computing and the IEEE Transactions on Services Computing. He is an editorial board member for the IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management and is the coordinating editor of the Information Systems Frontiers. He also chairs the Social Robots – Robotics and Toy Computing Minitrack and Social Robots and Smart Toys Symposia in the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS). He also teaches a course on Business Robotics at Ontario Tech University in Canada and Augsburg University of Applied Sciences in Germany.
Ph.D. and Master in Computer Science. Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Master in Management Sciences. University of Waterloo, Canada
Bachelor in Computer Science. University of New South Wales, Australia