Saveena (Chakrika) Veeramoothoo
Saveena (Chakrika) Veeramoothoo is an assistant professor at the University of Houston-Downtown in the English Department. Chakrika’s research and teaching focus on digital media, collaboration, social justice and intercultural communication. Her work has appeared in the journals Technical Communication Quarterly, Journal of Technical Writing and Communication, Computers and Composition, Journal of Interactive Technology and Pedagogy, and Present Tense: A journal of Rhetoric in Society. Her work has also appeared in the edited collection Language Use, Education, and Professional Contexts (Second Language Learning and Teaching).
Ph.D., University of Minnesota, Rhetoric, Scientific and Technical Communication
M.A., University of Maine, English
B.S., George Washington University, Physics
Fuglsby, B., & Veeramoothoo, S. (2023). Regulating emotions for social action: Emotional intelligence’s role in TPC. Technical Communication Quarterly, 32(1), 98-113, DOI: 10.1080/10572252.2022.2079725
Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk, B., & Veeramoothoo, S. (2022). Cross-cultural identity and reflective memos in American and Polish student online TAPP cooperation. In: Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk, B., Trojszczak, M. (eds) Language Use, Education, and Professional Contexts (Second Language Learning and Teaching). Springer, Cham.
Fuglsby, B. & Veeramoothoo, S. (2022). Recalibrating intercultural communication instruction in the technical communication classroom: An analysis of students’ definitions and perceptions. Association for Business Communication: Proceedings of the 87th Annual International Conference, October 3-8, 2022. Tampa, Florida, USA and Virtual.
Davis, K., Stambler, D., Veeramoothoo, S., Hocutt, D., Ranade, N., Tham, J., Duin, A., Misak, J., & Pedersen, I. (2021). Fostering student digital literacy through the Fabric of Digital Life. Journal of Interactive Technology and Pedagogy.
Tham, J., Duin, A.H., Veeramoothoo, S., & Fuglsby, B. (2021). Connectivism for writing pedagogy: Strategic networked approaches to promote international collaborations and intercultural learning. Computers and Composition.
Veeramoothoo, S. (2021). In A. Melfi, N. Khoury & T. Graban (Eds.), An annotated bibliography of global and non-western: Sources for comparative rhetorical studies. PresentTense: A Journal of Rhetoric in Society, 9(1). Contributed 10 entries on Egyptian, Indian, Irish, Chinese rhetorics.
Lewandowska Tomaszczyk, B., & Veeramoothoo, S. (2021). Language and technology skills development in cross-cultural virtual teams [TAPP-Virtual exchange]. In E. Arno, M. Aguilar, J. Borras, G. Mancho, B. Moncada, & D. Tatzl (Eds.), Multilingual academic and professional communication in a networked world. Proceedings of AELFE-TAPP 2021 (19th AELFE Conference, 2nd TAPP Conference). Vilanova i la Geltrú (Barcelona), 7-9 July 2021. Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. ISBN: 978-84-9880-943-5
Veeramoothoo, S. (2020). Social justice and the portrayal of migrants in IOM’s World Migration Reports. Journal of Technical Writing and Communication.
Tham, J., Rosselot-Merritt, J., Veeramoothoo, S., Bollig, N. W., & Duin, A. H. (2020). Toward a radical collaboratory model for graduate research education: A collaborative autoethnography, Technical Communication Quarterly, 1-17.